Mandu's World of Music

Mandu is dedicating his efforts to share the meditative music of Sri Chinmoy through concerts.

For many years Mandu has trained himself in playing special instruments, like the Chinese Erhu or the Classical and Celtic Harps – and to interprete with these instruments the compositions of Sri Chinmoy.

The Chinese Erhu is an instrument with an unbelievable beautiful and touching sound. Its voice is like the voice of the inner soul. The Erhu can touch the hearts of people and helps to bring down the atmosphere of the soul worlds.

The harp is a spiritual instrument too. It carries the consciousness of water, has freshness, refinement and transparency of sound. The sound of the harp inspires and opens ones consciousness to higher worlds. Together, the harp and the erhu are meant to create very spiritual and soulful interpretation of divine music.

Links to Mandu's Music

Mandu has several peices of music on Radio Sri Chinmoy – simply click on the link and enter Mandu into the search feild. Links to Mandu's music files will appear in the search results.
